Lavender Face and Hand Butter
Lavender Face and Hand Butter – Our Founder’s Favorite Product
“Let me introduce you to one of our most popular products… our lavender butter. This is not your typical body butter, which is usually light and fluffy and can go anywhere on your body. Think instead of a true butter – rich and creamy, and
in the case of our lavender butter, extremely moisturizing. The Lavender Face and Hand Butter is a richly moisturizing cream made from shea butter, cocoa butter and mango butter… and lavender essential oil, of course!
I created this product originally because it was important to me to have an excellent moisturizer for hands in our line. Prior to starting this business, I was continuously trying out numerous hand creams and as a gardener found it extremely difficult to find one that was not only rich and moisturizing but truly effective and long lasting. With a lot of trial and error, I was very pleased with our cream for hands. And then over time we discovered what an amazing face moisturizer it is as well.
If you are like me, a goo face moisturizer that is chemical free as well as effective can also be hard to find. Our lavender butter is not only natural and highly effective but we don’t charge a fortune for it like you might pay for a similar product, if you could even find one.
We have received hundreds of testimonies but one of my favorites that has stuck with me was from a mom in Colorado who thanked me for this product. She said her daughters noticed something different and they couldn’t figure out what she was doing. They just told her that they noticed that she looked younger. What an endorsement from a teenage daughter!” Give our butter a try, I promise you will be glad you did. And one more bonus…the butters it is made from offer a natural SPF of around 8-10 so your skin is getting a little sun protection in the process!
Our Lavender Face and Hand Butter comes in three sizes; 8 oz, 4 oz, and a travel size to take with you while you’re on the go!
Everyone is talking about our Lavender Butter – For Face & Hands because not only can you feel it giving your skin a deep moisturizer, it also lasts! And it’s not greasy. Our customers keep telling us this is the best cream on the market! Read some of what our customers have to say:
Customer Review:
We are proud to share some of the comments we receive from satisfied customers. Thank you, Kelly!
“The Lavender Face and Hand Butter. Hands down, the BEST!!…yes, the pun is intended!
I love the texture, smell and the way it absorbs. I feel like it is a decadent treat that I willingly over-indulge in. It has become a winter time staple in my house. I use it on my face, hands, heels and occasionally all over after a shower.
I got married in May to a wonderful manly-man who works with his hands for a living. He is tough and rugged, but he LOVES it when I rub his hands with Lavender Butter! I suspect that he would not love it as much if the scent was artificial and flowery! Not only does it feel nice going on, it absorbs well and is not overly greasy.
Everyone in my house is prone to really dry skin in the winter. My youngest son’s hands tend to get really red and cracked. If we coat them with Lavender Butter before bed time they are much improved by morning!
Other products we love are the Linen Spray, Body Mist and soaps. I love to give Victoria’s Lavender products as gifts too! They are local, natural and wonderful! It makes me feel good to buy them and great to share them!”
~Kelly Windsor, Newberg, Oregon
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All of these products are so wonderful. All speak to quality, quality, quality. The Lavender Butter just melts right in, like a good butter will. I can’t wait to try all other products. My winter dry, cracked skin is so thankful for all of these goodies.
Thank you so much for the kind review (& email)!! We’re so thankful for customers like you who take the time to share their experience with our products. 🙂